Issue #807

“Narcissus” by Teresa Zuverino.

Putney Library exhibits watercolors by Teresa Zuverino

PUTNEY-An exhibition of paintings, "Meadow Serenade in Watercolors," by Teresa Zuverino is on view at the Putney Public Library, 55 Main St., through May 30.

Images of familiar flowers "emerge and dissolve into color - is that a narcissus or a sunburst, and is that one an orchid?" ask organizers. In an homage to the coming of spring, these paintings "seek TO transform the library space into an airy and joy-filled environment," they say.

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College news • Liliana Buettner of Dummerston was named to the fall 2024 Dean's List at Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York. • Django Grace of Brattleboro and Cole Nelson of Putney were both named to the fall 2024 Dean's List at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Obituaries...

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Gallery opens Studio Time Artist Club

BELLOWS FALLS-Canal Street Art Gallery presents the Studio Time Artist Club, opening Tuesday, April 1, and located on the Bellows Falls Canal within the gallery. Anyone can join for a one time lifetime membership fee. A monthly subscription fee, which can be paused at any time, gives members access...

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Dan & Faith, Temple Mountain at Stage 33 Live on March 23

BELLOWS FALLS-Acoustic folk singer-songwriters Dan & Faith and Temple Mountain will play the Stage 33 Live listening room at 33 Bridge St. on Sunday, March 23, in a 3 p.m. matinee. Dan & Faith are an award-winning, multi-instrumentalist, New England-based husband-and-wife singer-songwriter duo who tap into dreams and everyday life in crafting their original songs. Their sound is rooted in tight, interwoven vocal harmonies, supported by varied instrumentation and an occasional a cappella treatment. They introduce or follow most songs...

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Tessitura: A new chamber choir debuts at BMC on March 23

BRATTLEBORO-The Brattleboro Music Center (BMC) is launching a new initiative, Tessitura, a chamber choir which explores music of the Baroque and Modern eras. Directed by Mark Nelson, Tessitura offers a debut performance Sunday, March 23, at 7 p.m. at the BMC. Tessitura's inaugural concert will feature works by three composers representative of three successive generations of German music: Heinrich Schütz, Dietrich Buxtehude, and Johann Sebastian Bach. Works will include four motets from Schütz's "Cantiones Sacrae," Opus 4, and his "Aus...

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Donna The Buffalo stampede into BF Opera House

BELLOWS FALLS-A herd of buffalo are coming to Vermont on Friday, March 28; the followers of roots-rock band Donna The Buffalo who will be making their Bellows Falls Opera House debut that night. The show is the second of the annual four-date series honoring Ray Massucco, a civic-minded attorney, part-time concert promoter and full-time music lover, who died in 2022. A group of Vermont friends who had worked with Massucco on Rockingham's Roots on the River music festival quickly coalesced...

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Oscar-winning documentary opens Palestine Film Series

BRATTLEBORO-The second annual Palestine Film Series opens Sunday, March 23, with the Oscar-winning No Other Land, which event organizers describe as "a devastating window on the continuing Israeli settler violence, land theft, and forced displacement of Palestinians from their West Bank villages." No Other Land is one of four films in this year's series that give audiences an opportunity to experience diverse stories about the lives of Palestinian people. The series is presented by Southern Vermont for Palestine and Latchis...

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‘One Man’s Trash: A Repurposed Circus’ comes to NECCA

BRATTLEBORO-Cirque Us will perform One Man's Trash: A Repurposed Circus at the New England Center for Circus Arts on Saturday, March 22, at 7 p.m. "Grab your garbage bags, pick up the recycling, and get ready to laugh and cheer as this repurposed circus turns trash into treasure," organizers wrote in a news release. Originally produced in 2016, One Man's Trash is back for its fifth national tour following its 2022 and 2023 revivals. "With the limitless spirit and can-do...

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Dylan Hausthor to present Artist Talk at Vermont Center for Photography

BRATTLEBORO-The Vermont Center for Photography (VCP) is pleased to welcome Maine-based photographer Dylan Hausthor for a free artist talk Saturday, March 22, at 5 p.m. at VCP, located at 10 Green St. Hausthor will discuss their new book, What The Rain Might Bring (TBW Books), and copies will be available for signing and purchase at the event. Hausthor's work "blurs the line between fact and fable, exploring the tension between the seen and unseen through photography, video, and installation," wrote...

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Saxtons River Art Guild offers workshop on painting flowers in watercolors

SAXTONS RIVER-The Saxtons River Art Guild (SRAG) will offer a watercolor workshop with Robert J. O'Brien on Saturday, April 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at United Church, 8 School St., Bellows Falls. This workshop, "Painting Spectacular Flowers in Watercolor," is open to painters of all levels. Students will learn basic floral painting techniques, with an emphasis on values and composition, as well as layering and blending color into soft edges, while using close-up reference photos. A critique and...

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Six new exhibitions open at BMAC on March 22

BRATTLEBORO-Six new exhibitions open at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC) on Saturday, March 22, at 10 a.m. Later that day, at 5 p.m., all are welcome to an opening party with the exhibiting artists and curators, featuring music by DJ Okyn, free food by Peruvian-inspired Amaru Gourmet, and a cash bar by Stone Church. Among the new exhibitions is BMAC's ever-popular, biennial "Glasstastic," featuring imaginary creatures dreamed up by children in grades K–6 and brought to three-dimensional form...

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Interfaith Youth Group to help with hurricane relief in N.C.

BRATTLEBORO-A multicultural community of teenagers and young adults, the Brattleboro Area Interfaith Youth Group comes together monthly "to develop friendships, to have fun and to provide service to others," said organization members in a news release. Twenty-one members of their group, ranging in age from 13 to 22, are busy fundraising to make their dream of a service and learning trip to North Carolina a reality this spring. Brian Remer, one of the adult leaders, describes the group as being...

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Around the Towns

District 9 RTM forum set for March 19 BRATTLEBORO - Residents of District 9 are invited to attend a forum to ask questions and share concerns in advance of the March 22 Representative Town Meeting. The forum, organized by Robert Oeser and David Levenbach, will be held on Wednesday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room of Brooks Memorial Library. For more information, write [email protected] or call 413-559-1533. Learn about bluebirds in Dummerston WEST DUMMERSTON - Ron Svec,

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Summer art classes for kids offered in Londonderry

LONDONDERRY-Local teachers Bev Foster and Casey Junker Bailey will again be offering their popular art classes for children this summer at the Custer Sharp House in Londonderry. Located at 2461 Middletown Rd., the Custer Sharp House is home to the Londonderry Arts and Historical Society (LAHS). In addition to changing exhibitions throughout the summer, art classes are offered, in honor of artist Bernadine Custer, who bequeathed her home to the historical society in 1992. This summer, children will meet daily...

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Under the Maple presents a house concert with fiddler Lisa Gutkin

BRATTLEBORO-Under the Maple presents fiddler and singer-songwriter Lisa Gutkin in a house concert on Sunday, March 23, at 3 p.m. "Gutkin has crafted a courageously varied artistic career by bringing an instantly relatable style to audiences through her theater, music, and storytelling," organizers wrote in a news release. "A masterful Grammy Award-winning violinist, [...] actor, and composer, Lisa has an uncanny way of taking those audiences with her wherever she goes." Recognized for her work with the Jewish roots band,

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St. Brigid’s Kitchen marks anniversary with fund drive

BRATTLEBORO-St. Brigid's Kitchen and Pantry on Walnut Street marked 43 years of offering free hot meals to the food insecure when it kicked off its anniversary fundraising appeal on St. Patrick's Day. The theme of the appeal is "Everyone Deserves to Eat." In a news release, St. Brigid's Kitchen said its mission "is to provide food, hospitality, and a sense of community to our hungry Brattleboro neighbors by welcoming all persons who come to the door as guests at the...

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Never mind Trump and Musk. The problem is deeper.

Bert Picard is an activist, having retired as a Teamster truck driver who has organized with various unions and a workers' center over the decades. GUILFORD-So the coup has happened. The form of government built under Franklin Delano Roosevelt is finally being dismantled. It was a long time coming. The "Reagan revolution" was a big step. Bill Clinton collaborated. And so it went. Biden could be said to have tried weakly to stop the train, but too late. But what...

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BHA 10U South team wins league championship

-The Brattleboro Hockey Association (BHA) has a long tradition of fielding competitive youth teams that can hold their own against hockey programs from bigger towns in western New England. The latest group of BHA players to hang a championship banner in Withington Rink is the 10U South team. They beat Westfield, Massachusetts, 4-2, on March 9 to win the Greater Springfield League Championship. "This is a very big deal for Brattleboro as we are the smallest hockey association in the...

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Questions of policing, taxes entangle Brattleboro

BRATTLEBORO-Back in 1960, when the town decided to manage capacity Town Meeting crowds by becoming the only community in the state to elect a set number of citizen participants, residents never imagined that subsequent decades would bring more open seats than candidates willing to fill them. Then social media sparked a recent firestorm of questions about policing and a proposed 12% municipal tax hike. Some 150 Town Meeting representatives, about half chosen earlier this month in races that drew twice...

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Treasurer and lawmakers fear dire impact from federal chaos

BRATTLEBORO-Fear, worry, anger, and confusion over the recent actions by the federal government and the intentions of President Donald J. Trump were the emotions expressed in full force at a Town Hall meeting held by state Treasurer Michael Pieciak on March 15. Pieciak, a Brattleboro native who still has deep roots in the community, chose the town for his first Town Hall meeting on the topic of Trump's apparent attempt to destroy the federal government and what it might mean...

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A stronger Brattleboro

One Brattleboro is described on the town's municipal website as "a public-private coalition that meets regularly to identify and address gaps or needs in public health and safety, as well as its impacts on the town of Brattleboro." The leaders writing these testimonials are among the more than 25 entities represented among its membership. It was submitted on behalf of One Brattleboro by Cassandra Holloway, executive director of Building a Positive Community. BRATTLEBORO-Public safety and human services are often seen...

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Please come stand with postal employees

The writer is the local organizer of NALC Branch 37. BRATTLEBORO-On Sunday, March 23, a Protect USPS from Privatization Rally will take place at 3 p.m. at the Brattleboro Main Post Office, 204 Main St., hosted by Branch 37 of the National Association of Letter Carriers, in coordination with NALC branches nationwide. Our United States Postal Service is enshrined in Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, in which Congress is given the task of "establish[ing] post offices and post roads."

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Meeting members will consider police, human service spending

BRATTLEBORO-Elected meeting members will convene Representative Town Meeting (RTM) on Saturday, March 22 at 8:30 a.m. in the Brattleboro Union High School gymnasium to consider a recommended $25,184,081 fiscal 2026 budget that could mean a 12.1% increase in property taxes. If the meeting is not completed by 5 p.m., the body assembled will decide whether to continue the meeting or to reconvene on Sunday, March 23. A full house of folks turned out at Academy School on March 12 for...

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Window into a Colonial community

ROCKINGHAM-The Vermont History Museum in Montpelier is hosting a special exhibit, "Rockingham's Acropolis: A Look at the Rockingham Meeting House in History." Started in 1787 and completed in 1801, the building was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2000. It is considered an exceptionally well-preserved example of Colonial architecture. Meetings began to be held there in 1792, years before the building was completed. "Today remaining largely unchanged from its completion in 1801, apart from a light-handed restoration in 1906," states...

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Bridging a divide

This film review has been updated. BRATTLEBORO-The upcoming second annual Palestine Film Series opening this weekend at the Latchis Theatre begins with No Other Land, the Oscar-winning full-length documentary. We hope that people, regardless of what side they are on, will see this remarkable film. Filmed over five years by a collective of two Palestinian and two Israeli journalists/filmmakers/activists, No Other Land is a great film - not only because of the story they tell, but because of how they...

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A fresh look

Lindsey Britt is a textile artist, solution-finder, award-winning vegan baker, and nonprofit administrator who serves on the Brattleboro Planning Commission and is a member of Compassionate Brattleboro. BRATTLEBORO-It's a run-of-the-mill gray top that I've had for so long I no longer remember where it came from. I wore it a lot over the years, so it got permanently discolored around the cuffs. For some reason my husband really likes it, so I've held onto it even though I've felt a...

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Reclaiming the story

Tim Hayes is retired as a junior high school teacher at Marlboro School, where he worked for over 20 years. NEWFANE-We are being encouraged by leaders to stay connected, stick together, and let our voices be heard and, indeed, this is essential. We are marching in Brattleboro with signs, chants, and speeches. So many of us around the country are ready and willing to hit the streets in this way, and this should increase in size and frequency. But I...

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