“Peonies” by Robert O’Brien.
Courtesy photo
“Peonies” by Robert O’Brien.

Saxtons River Art Guild offers workshop on painting flowers in watercolors

SAXTONS RIVER-The Saxtons River Art Guild (SRAG) will offer a watercolor workshop with Robert J. O'Brien on Saturday, April 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at United Church, 8 School St., Bellows Falls.

This workshop, "Painting Spectacular Flowers in Watercolor," is open to painters of all levels. Students will learn basic floral painting techniques, with an emphasis on values and composition, as well as layering and blending color into soft edges, while using close-up reference photos.

A critique and class discussion will be held at the end of the session. Students may work from their own reference photos or use the instructor's. The cost of the workshop is $70 for SRAG members and $90 for non-members. Participants should bring watercolor supplies and lunch. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided.

To register, contact Donna Lund at 603-835-2387 or [email protected]. If leaving a message, be sure to include a call-back number.

The Saxtons River Art Guild has also planned a watercolor workshop with Lynn Zimmerman on Saturday, May 17, at the same location.

Participants will explore working on Aquabord, a unique surface that provides "a forgiving and versatile painting experience with excellent color control. Colors appear more luminous and vibrant, transparent layers glow, and brush strokes retain their boldness or subtlety," said Zimmerman in a news release.

The registration process, times, and cost are the same as for the April workshop, with an additional $10 materials fee.

This Arts item was submitted to The Commons.

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