
Supporting the clean-energy resolution at Guilford Town Meeting

GUILFORD — I will vote for the clean-energy resolution at Guilford's Annual Town Meeting. I will support this effort to make our state and my town pay attention to how our warming environment affects us all.

Guilford is a small town, but we can be leaders in reducing our carbon footprint. Our fire department installed solar panels on its station. These provide power to the firehouse itself, as well as to the town office. That's power the town gets without depending on fossil fuel.

There's more room on that firehouse roof; let's use it! There's a south facing roof at the school. Let's look into how quickly an investment in solar panels would pay for itself in reduced electric bills there. We have the Broad Brook Community Center to renovate. What can we do to make that a green building?

The resolution calls for an energy committee for the town. Let's form one. And let's hold our state to the goals it has already set to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

Vote for the resolution on Town Meeting day on Tuesday, March 6!

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