
Trump does not represent my Christian values

BRATTLEBORO-On Feb. 25, the Reformer published an article describing how this administration's canceling of all federal funds for diversity, equality and inclusion programs is affecting local organizations whose mission is to to support the most vulnerable in our community.

This administration sees such programs as "radical and wasteful" yet wants to give billionaires an extension of the $4.5 billion tax cut, while cutting Medicaid and other programs for the middle class!

At the same time, Trump describes himself as a defender of Christianity, rooting out anti-Christian bias in the government. But in his actions eliminating DEI programs, he is not following the teaching of the Christ I follow.

Trump spreads hate and division and demonizes almost everyone who is not a white male. Even women are not treated equally under his brand of Christian nationalism. Christ preached love and compassion and would have strongly supported DEI programs because he cared for everyone: the poor, the sick in mind and body, marginalized people like lepers.

He ate dinner at the houses of non-Jews,and in the story of the Good Samaritan taught us to care for the stranger and for people who are not "just like us." He would not be demonizing immigrants and our vulnerable LGBQT+ neighbors and friends.

I hope that our Brattleboro community will hold fast to our values as a compassionate, welcoming, and tolerant community, and will continue to support our most vulnerable brothers and sisters.

Judy Davidson


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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