
A vote for Eastes sends a message against disruptive and deceptive conduct

GUILFORD-I have worked with Zon Eastes and can attest to his intelligence, diligence, compassion, and ability to work with others for the greater good.

Jason Herron, on the other hand, is a wolf masquerading in sheep's clothing and has switched parties in order to fool the electorate.

Despite his claims of transparency and his written platform lauding such Democratic tropes as food security, preserving farms and protecting seniors, his real platform can be seen in the Convention of States, where he serves as Vermont's leading representative.

This group wants a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution, restricted to amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

But one can clearly identify its radical-right MAGA leanings by looking at this nefarious project and its staff and endorsers.

They include Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation and lead author of Project 2025 (the hard right blueprint for Trump's second term); Mark Levin, Trumpist radio jockey; Ron DeSantis, would-be dictator of Florida; Jenna Ellis, former Trump lawyer who pleaded guilty to a felony involving the 2020 election; Mark Meadows, former Trump chief of staff who faces charges related to the 2020 election; Vivek Ramaswamy, Republican groupie; Sean Hannity, Fox News hack and Trump flunky; Greg Abbott, ludicrous governor of Texas; Sarah Palin (What can you say about her?); James Dobson, noted far-right Christian nationalist; Charlie Kirk, up-and-coming leader of Trump (Hitler) Youth; and the list goes on and on. A veritable who's who of Trumpology.

So what is Herron's position on such bread-and-butter Democratic issues as the right of a woman to control her own body, the rights of unions, the role of government in regulating commerce and safeguarding civil liberties for everyone, equality of marriage, LGBTQ rights, etc.?

I can only guess, but am willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that he stands four square with the MAGA Republicans and outside the realm of normal Democratic beliefs.

And what if Herron were to win the Democratic primary? Would he run against Republican Nancy Gassett, who served as the treasurer for his 2022 Selectboard campaign?

By the way, in 2022 both he and Gassett failed to file financial reports for their respective campaigns until the number of complaints forced the election board to notify them of their non-compliance. Also, during that last campaign, Herron contributed the funding to print a campaign brochure - a scurrilous and vicious attack on Sara Coffey, our representative, who is not running this year - that was mailed to every household in the district.

Finally, despite his hypocritical claim that he wants to end divisiveness, Herron has been the main point and instigator of baseless attacks on the Guilford Selectboard, making accusations and insinuations that these fine folks are somehow cheating the town out of money and violating conflict of interest rules and open meeting laws. At town meetings, he has been disruptive, demanding, and downright rude.

His endless legal actions have cost Guilford upwards of $50,000 and have been shut down by the Vermont courts at every level. The latest ruling from the Vermont Supreme Court stated "plaintiff's novel claim lacked support in the statute or in any case law."

After dismissing Herron's first three complaints, the Court wrote: "Finally, the court found that in his fourth count, plaintiff presented a rambling narrative in which he appeared to complain that the selectboard met in violation of the Open Meeting Law. Plaintiff failed to assert any facts, however, that would establish a right to a cause of action under the Open Meeting Law, or give a reasonable person notice of his claim."

In conclusion, the court writes: "We have considered all arguments discernible in plaintiff's brief and find them all without merit."

While I am sure sending Zon Eastes to the State House will not end Herron's disruptive and deceptive conduct, it will, hopefully, send a message that these sorts of Trumpian politics are unwelcome in Vermont.

Charles Light


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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