
Eastes: positivity and earnest commitment — and no misleading contradiction

GUILFORD-Zon Eastes, a multi-term Democrat serving Guilford in many capacities over the decades, including as chair of the Guilford Selectboard, has made his stand clearly known on issues affecting residents of Guilford and Vernon, without misleading contradiction.

He has worked tirelessly on such critical issues as food security, housing affordability, and fair taxation, ensuring quality of life for seniors and homebound individuals, land conservation, and traffic safety, all the while promoting cordiality, respect, and positivity in all areas of his civic and public life.

We live in a time when too many people with less-than-honorable ambitions attempt to discredit honest individuals in a cynical push to assume power and disrupt the lawful conducting of business which our country is actually founded on.

It seems the more visible a leader becomes, the more they are smeared personally, publicly, in writing, and through false narratives and malicious gossip.

Our town of Guilford has been a quiet place, where neighbor helps neighbor and a code of mutual respect was a given. It is this writer's belief that much of the opposition to Zon's positivity and earnest commitment to better the lives of his constituents is in fact being strategically put in place by a small but powerful group with outside aims and ambitions of their own, antithetical to the well-being of the residents of Vernon and Guilford.

Zon's opponent in the upcoming Democratic primary, Jason Herron, has suddenly announced himself as a Democrat - we can only believe for reasons of popularity over allegiance to true Democratic principles. This flip from Republican to Democrat speaks volumes about the integrity of Herron's play for a seat.

There are real needs in our community which must be addressed on a person-by-person level, not through some forced political agenda. Disrupting due process and pitting neighbor against neighbor with feigned moral outrage will not serve anyone. We need Zon's measured, steady, and kind leadership to move us forward in uncertain times.

Marguerite Serkin


This letter to the editor was written for The Commons.

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