
Saxtons River Art Guild hosts ink and watercolor workshop

SAXTONS RIVER-The Saxtons River Art Guild will offer a workshop on ink and watercolor with Lynn Zimmerman on Saturday, May 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the United Church of Bellows Falls, 8 School St.

All materials will be supplied, but artists are invited to bring other supplies, such as watercolor paints, pencils, and crayons, inks, brushes, paper, and so on. "All that is needed is an open mind and a willingness to experiment and have fun," says Zimmerman. This workshop is for experts and novices alike, watercolor painters or not.

Participants will explore new materials and methods and return to their regular art practice "inspired with fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and energy," organizers wrote in a news release.

Line and color will be discussed as well as how painting and drawing support each other. "Using India ink with a G-nib dip pen and an odd assortment of other tools, artists will create a variety of intriguing marks and to spice up their work with water-based media color."

Zimmerman says she is excited by color and the beauty of natural things, and she combines those in her work in watercolor, oil, acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, and ink painting. She studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art and the Rhode Island School of Design, and has worked as a graphic designer and illustrator for more than 30 years.

Zimmerman offers instruction in a variety of media. "Her emphasis is always on gently supporting each student along his or her creative journey," say organizers.

The workshop fee is $75 for SRAG members and $95 for nonmembers. Coffee and tea will be available, and participants should bring a lunch. To register for the workshop, email Carolyn Burgland at [email protected].

This Arts item was submitted to The Commons.

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