Town and Village

St. Michael's Episcopal launches new season of programs, events

BRATTLEBORO — St. Michael's Episcopal Church, 16 Bradley Ave., begins a new program year this month with the start of Sunday School, teen groups, and weekly choir participation in the 10:15 service.

"Back to school means back to formation programs for children and youth," says St. Michael's rector, the Rev. Mary Lindquist. "On Sunday, Sept. 10, please come at 9:30 a.m. for games and food, to register for Sunday School, and to get inspired for this new year in the life of our church."

Sunday School offerings include Nursery Care (to age 3); Godly Play (ages 3–9), a Montessori-inspired Christian formation program; Upper El, a Christian formation program for grades 4–6 (second and fourth Sundays of each month); and Youth Group for grades 6–12. Youth Group will gather Sept. 10 to brainstorm ideas for the group that usually meets the third Sunday of each month.

In addition, Brattleboro area's Interfaith Youth Group for ages 13–18 will relaunch on Sept. 10, from 5 to 7 p.m., at the Guilford Pavilion, 24 Church Drive.

According to St. Michael's recent newsletter, "past groups have tackled community service projects and social justice issues; they've learned about different faith traditions, canoed and camped together, held overnight 'Lock-Ins' locally, attended youth leadership conferences, and explored New York City's diversity and rich traditions.

"The goal for this group is to build leadership skills and friendships among young people who care about and want to make a difference in their communities."

Also in Guilford on September 10 at 2 p.m., the Celebration Brass Band offers a benefit concert at Christ Church on Route 5 to raise funds to save that historic gem, the first Episcopal Church in Vermont. Built in 1817, it's the mother church of St Michael's.

St. Michael's Choir, led by the church's new music director, Keane Southard, begins rehearsals on Sept. 10 and will begin singing together in the morning service on Sunday, Sept. 17. In addition to regular Sunday morning rehearsals, Southard is planning to offer an optional weeknight choir rehearsal that will focus on developing singing and musicianship skills as well as on rehearsing each Sunday's music.

This fall, St. Michael's Episcopal joins millions of Christians around the world to celebrate the Season of Creation. The movement, which began in the Eastern Orthodox Church and spread widely among Protestant, Catholic, and Anglican congregations, is observed every year from Sept. 1 to the celebration of St. Francis's feast day, which will be Oct. 8 this year at St. Michael's.

"With the devastating floods, fires, and storms of this last summer, the call to engage directly with the reality of climate change and our place in God's creation is more urgent than ever," said Lindquist, adding that each service this season "will integrate prayers, readings, music, sermons and a Eucharistic Prayer that reflect sorrow and repentance for the ways we participate in the exploitation and destruction of the earth, a renewed commitment to the transformation of our own relationship with God's creation, and a pledge, with God's grace, to work for the healing and restoration of the earth."

All are welcome at St. Michael's Episcopal Church. Services are Sundays, in-person at 8 and 10:15 a.m. (the latter is also livestreamed), Wednesdays at noon, and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. for contemplative prayer. Morning prayer at 8 a.m. and evening prayer at 5 p.m. are celebrated on zoom every weekday. For more information, visit

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