WATERBURY-The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has begun to receive reports of bears coming out of their dens. The Department urges Vermonters to remove their birdfeeders and take additional steps now to prevent conflicts with bears over the spring and summer.
It's best not to not wait until after a bear visits to take down birdfeeders and bearproof yards, said Jaclyn Comeau, the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department's bear biologist in a news release. "You need to act now to head off bear conflicts over the spring and summer, even if you have never had a bear visit your property before."
Bear incidents have been on the rise over the past several years. Officials believe this trend is a result of Vermont's healthy black bear population learning to associate people and food over multiple generations. Even with a steady increase in the number bears harvested by hunters in recent years - including a record harvest in 2024 - Vermont's bear population has been stable over the past two decades and shows signs of growth over the past five years.
Shorter winters also mean that bears are emerging from their dens earlier in the spring. In recent years, bear activity has begun in mid-March. This is roughly two weeks earlier than what is traditionally considered the start of "bear-aware season" in northern New England.
"Preventing bears from having access to human-related foods is key to successful coexistence with these long-lived and intelligent animals," said Comeau. "Bears can be found in every corner of Vermont other than the Champlain islands. Put bluntly, most Vermonters live in bear country."
The department asks Vermonters to take the following proactive steps for coexisting with bears:
• Take down birdfeeders from mid-March through December.
• Store garbage in bear-resistant containers or structures; trash cans alone are not enough.
• Surround chicken coops and beehives with electric fences.
• Request a bear-resistant dumpster from your waste hauler.
• Feed your pets indoors.
• Never feed bears; it is illegal.
Deep snow may delay some bears from emerging from winter dens until April, "but mid-March is the time for Vermonters to prepare for the early risers," said Comeau. "This will help teach bears that our yards and neighborhoods are not good places to search for food, but it will only work if everyone does their part."
Taking these precautions will also help reduce the chance of attracting other wildlife species such as raccoons, skunks and rodents.
The Fish & Wildlife Department also asks Vermonters to submit reports of bears engaging in potentially dangerous behavior, such as targeting birdfeeders and garbage, feeding on crops or livestock, or investigating campgrounds. Reports can be submitted online to bit.ly/3is4KNK. The data will help biologists keep track of bear incidents and provide early interventions to head off conflicts.
This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.