Issue #52

The voters' turn: PAYT town-wide vote scheduled

Voters will have their say on Pay-As-You-Throw on Tuesday, June 29.

The town-wide vote will take place at the Municipal Center in the Selectboard Meeting Room (Room 212) from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The Municipal Center was chosen as the polling site because the schools were unavailable. Town Manager Barbara Sondag said she is arranging special voters' parking in the municipal lot.

A “yes” vote on the issue will mean voters support the adoption of a PAYT trash collection system where individuals purchase special trash bags. A “no” vote will mean voters oppose adopting PAYT and instead want to maintain the current trash collection system paid through property taxes.

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Bellows Falls • “SuperReader” comes to RFPL: The American Literacy Corporation (ALC) invites families to the Rockingham Free Public Library on Tuesday, June 15, at 3:30 p.m., to hear stories from author Floyd “SuperReader” Stokes.  Each child will receive a free book, and there will also be arts and...

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Dairy crisis should be catalyst for cooperatives and industry leaders to effect meaningful change

The dairy pricing system in the United States is broken. It is antiquated, dating back to the 1930s when markets were not as complex as they are today, and simply does not work as originally intended. And although there has always been some volatility and market fluctuation in dairy...

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Organization to continue supporting mountain conservation efforts

Bob Anderson explained that HMCA will continue as a “friends of” the organization. The official job of maintaining the land falls to the town of Marlboro and the newly created Hogback Conservation Commission. The commission will develop policies and management plans for the recreational area as well as manage monetary issues and the $120,000 endowment fund. The Vermont Land Trust holds the property's conservation easement and will monitor the area each year to ensure stipulations in the easement are met.

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