
Clearing up the VY euphemisms

BRATTLEBORO — The English language is full of euphemisms: for example, Vermont Yankee's “Emergency Planning Zone” as mentioned in Richard January's letter [July 11].

I won't quibble with the actual title of the zone in question. I do, however, question the purpose of the “Emergency Planning Zone.”

If it isn't to alert and prepare us for the possibility of evacuation, why do we receive each year a beautiful historical calendar that overflows with detailed (and unrealistic) information about where to go and how to get there in case of an evacuation required by an “event” at our friendly, local, and economically beneficial nuke?

And, as a topper, why did we recently receive a letter from the Vermont Department of Health reminding us about the importance of updating our supply of potassium iodide tablets as part of “Vermont's continuing emergency preparedness effort?”

I'll happily replace my “VY Evacuation Zone” sign with one that says something like, “VY Emergency Planning Zone for Nuclear Disaster Evacuations.” That would clear up all the euphemisms.

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