WESTMINSTER-It's not a generally known fact of history unless you happen to be from southeastern Vermont, but a strong case can be made that the first armed conflict of the Revolutionary War did not take place at Lexington or Concord in Massachusetts on April 19, 1775. That first armed conflict was the Westminster Massacre, a historic milestone whose 250th anniversary will be marked by multiple events in town from Thursday, March 13, to Saturday, March 15. Just three months after...
BELLOWS FALLS-The town's first-ever weekend Annual Town Meeting on March 1 brought an unusually large crowd to consider two hot-button articles - consolidating the Rockingham, Bellows Falls, and Saxtons River fire departments, and providing additional funding to renovate the Bellows Falls train station. While the two articles were debated at length, and some amendments to them were offered and discussed, in the end both articles passed as written. The lines of voters waiting to get into the Bellows Falls Middle...
WHITINGHAM-"Today is bittersweet," said outgoing Town Moderator Leon Corse. "I've ... mostly ... enjoyed my time as moderator," he joked in his farewell statement on March 4. Anyone who witnessed Corse moderating would see a meticulous follower of Robert's Rules of Order who also oversaw meetings with an understated sense of humor while wearing a big smile. An organic farmer, Corse thanked his wife Linda for "her unwavering support and assistance" and for keeping the farm running while he presided...
->Guilford approves all articles in speedy Saturday meeting GUILFORD - All went well at the town's first-ever Saturday morning Annual Town Meeting on March 1. According to Town Clerk Erika Elder, "Town Meeting wrapped up before lunch yesterday. It was a civil meeting with good turnout and discussion. All the articles passed with no amendments." For fiscal year 2026, voters approved spending $1,149,557 for the town's Highway Fund, $805,776 for the town's general fund, $286,550 for the Guilford Volunteer Fire...
BRATTLEBORO-It was a brutally cold day, just after a snowstorm and very windy under cloudy skies. With sidewalks barely cleared in Brattleboro, one might've wondered why anyone would go to town that day. No matter: We're Vermonters. In groups of two or three - sometimes more - people gathered up and down the sidewalk in front of Centre Congregational Church at noon on Monday, Feb. 17, for the National Day of Protest March. The march through downtown - part of...
Newcomer Jocelyn Fritts and former board member Kelly Young are vying for a three-year term on the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) board representing Guilford in the Tuesday, March 4, election. The seat has come available following longtime representative Shaun Murphy's retirement from the board. This is the only contested race for a seat at the WSESD table. Running unopposed are Matthew J. Schibley, for a three-year term representing Brattleboro; Jessica L. Everlith, who was appointed in January, for her...