Voters in the Windham Northeast Union Elementary School District (WNEUESD) towns of Athens, Grafton and Westminster were warned to meet at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, at the Bellows Falls Union High School, to vote on a school budget and elect school board members. But given current conditions, the WNEUESD Board has determined that holding that meeting and getting anything done is no longer an option. “At the time we warned the meeting, the Coronavirus outbreak was a localized...
Dear Governor Scott: Three times each week, we listen to your COVID-19 news conferences. We appreciate your patience, candor, and caution. You accept responsibility for decisions while, appropriately, deferring to your experts to provide precise and detailed answers to the questions. Your science-based approach generally increases our confidence in your decisions. However, you have yet to provide a science-based rationale for your decision to not require that business patrons wear masks. You and your colleagues refer to informal observations that...
In those old musicals from MGM, when Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland found out that their neighbors and friends were in financial need, they took matter into their own hands, gathering all the town's kids together to raise the money on their own by putting on a show. That's exactly the spirit that students at Marlboro College will be showing this weekend when they present their fundraising event, “Art for Aid,” at the Robert A. Gibson River Garden on Saturday,
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