
Please help Brattleboro recycle!

BRATTLEBORO — Brattleboro's recycling rate is currently about 24 percent, but that is way below our potential of 40 percent or higher.

This is due to many reasons, the largest of these being confusion.

Many people do not know that Brattleboro has a mandatory recycling ordinance. This ordinance has had little or no enforcement for 16 years. However, starting April 1, 2011, the town will start to strictly enforce the recycling ordinance.

Many people are still confused about what items are recyclable and what items should be placed in the trash. For accurate information, contact Calista Carbonell at the town offices (802-251-8103) or visit www.windhamsolidwaste.org

Many people are not aware of in-town composting opportunities. At the Project COW container at the Windham Solid Waste Management District facility on Old Ferry Road, you can deposit all kinds of compost, including meat and low grade paper. Visit www.windhamsolidwaste.org for more information.

Many people are confused on how to sort recyclables for curbside pickup and what types of containers/bins should be used. Remember these curbside sorting tips:

• Putting plastic bags slows the recycling truck driver, as does mixing paper and containers in one bin.

• Mixing recyclables contributes to contamination and jams the conveyor belts and rollers at WSWMD's Materials Recovery Facility, leading to delays and shut-downs.

• You are not limited to using the town-provided 18-gallon recycling bin. Any rigid container that separates paper and cardboard from glass and cans, such as a cardboard box or paper bag, is suitable.

In mid-February, information will be sent via a town-wide mailing to all Brattleboro residents. It will include details about what is recyclable and what is not; Project COW particulars; and a Recycling Survey. We hope to learn much more about people's recycling habits, questions, confusion, and suggestions via this survey.

It is also available online (go to www.brattleboro.org and follow the link).  Please fill it out and return it.

Thank you for recycling!

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