PUTNEY-Beloved children's book author and illustrator Eileen Christelow told The Commons she saved her illustrations...
BRATTLEBORO-Class, a play by Irish playwrights Iseult Golden and David Horan, gets its U.S. premiere...
BRATTLEBORO-118 Elliot presents a special showing and conversation with the artists of "Fueled by Love:
BRATTLEBORO-Windham World Affairs Council (WWAC) and the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC) will host...
In many town and villages around Vermont, getting people to run for public office has become a struggle. Not so in Bellows Falls. With three seats up for grabs on the Village Trustees - two two-year seats and a one-year president's seat - seven residents have thrown their hats in the ring, and only two are incumbents. Village President Roger Riccio decided not to run for reelection. Andrew Smith will be completing his first stint as a village trustee and...
What if 50 people were murdered at the NRA convention before the killer was shot? What if there was a mass shooting at the school Ted Cruz's children attend? What if every town in the United States had a memorial to children killed at school? What if, instead of arming teachers, there were three times as many mental health counselors in schools as there are now? What if firearms were not the leading cause of death in American children and...
The idea that women should always work for less or, even better, for free, is the economic theory explained in Screwnomics, the subject and title of a new book by Rickey Garde Diamond that she will discuss at Everyone's Books on Thursday, Oct. 18, at 6 p.m. The event is co-sponsored by the book store and the Brattleboro branch of the American Association of University Women. Despite a major shift in economic ideas over the past 50 years, few women...
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