NEWFANE-Yes, Dan DeWalt, we can act. And we did, at the voting booth. Furthermore, we need to be honest and genuine in those actions.
Let's start with calling our president an "insecure orange bully." It is not just a slam on the duly elected leader of our country, it is a slam against all the people who voted for him and the 70% (as of this writing) who believe he is doing as he promised during the campaign. Not a great way to build bridges.
You write that "power promotes self-righteousness, moral exceptionalism, and hypocrisy." We know - we were here for the last four years.
I suggest that we stop looking for scapegoats and actually get to know and respect the point of view of others.
Your criticism of the press is rich. For the last 16 years, we have been saying that the media is biased. There has been ample evidence - admitted by some outlets. They did everything possible to elevate and protect President Biden while at the same time limiting and skewing coverage of President Trump.
You are late to the game on this one. Or do you feel that coverage that supports your point of view is fair and that with which you disagree is biased, unfair, corrupt?
You speak of the "will of the people being recognized and honored." Trust me, it is.
In order to envision and then effect change, we must first clean up our government. Too many people know the government is a hot mess but few have the stomach for the process.
There should be 100% support of this process by voters of all stripes. Instead, there is resistance. It seems in the end there is a desire to shoot the messenger. What a shame.
Toni Powling
This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.
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