BURLINGTON-I am a Vermont resident and former educator who has seen antisemitism in our state's schools increasing since Oct. 7, 2023. I have experienced personally horrific antisemitism from the Pride Center of Vermont this past year, just because I am Jewish. I resigned as co-chair with three other Jewish board members.
If the pledge on Brattleboro's Town Meeting ballot "to join others in working to end all support to Israel's apartheid regime, settler colonialism, and military occupation" is passed, our most vulnerable people - our kids - would experience antisemitic remarks such as being called Nazis, being told to go back to Israel, and having rocks thrown at them, which occurred at the University of Vermont.
An ongoing effort by the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation over the past years has demonized the state of Israel, which has more than 2 million Palestinians as citizens. Talk with Palestinian Israelis, and they will share that demonizing Israel is not supportive of Palestinians. In fact, these actions only make life more complicated for Palestinian citizens of Israel.
While you may have your personal opinion on the Israeli/Palestinian/Arab conflict, please vote no on this initiative, which would divide Vermonters instead of unite them on issues where we can make a difference.
Let's ensure Brattleboro's voice reflects fairness and understanding, not one-sided blame.
Caryn Olivetti
This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.
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