
NECCA hosts family circus show on Jan. 26

BRATTLEBORO-In meSSeS' solo circus production, Janoah...anygoodjokes?, Janoah the Jester juggles several tasks simultaneously, performing and teaching, during a one-hour matinee show at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 26, at the New England Center for Circus Arts, followed by a free juggling workshop from 2 to 3 p.m.

Organizers said that during this (optionally interactive) performance, "you can learn to juggle as you watch. In moments between acts, Janoah engagingly guides audience through the essentials: throwing, catching, and messy-ing up!" Unicycle pathways, puppetry, juggling, movement, and meticulously prepared hot beverages, Janoah tosses together art forms to tell a tale of teaching, learning, and labor emerging from a pile of props. "And (of course!) what circus would be complete without popcorn & banana peels?"

The workshop is free, but pre-registration is requested. Tickets for the show are free for those under 2, and $15 to $35 for everyone else (use Promo code "$5OFF" at checkout for $5 off tickets). Tickets and registration may be found at or 802-254-9780.

This Arts item was submitted to The Commons.

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