Photoillustration based on image by Jeff Potter/Commons file photo

Please slow down

A plea to drivers on Route 9 in the aftermath of a fatal accident

Emily Hallock is a patient care technician at Brattleboro Retreat. She originally posted this piece in the Eastern VT Route 9 Road Conditions group on Facebook after a two-car crash in Marlboro claimed one life on Jan. 13.

WILMINGTON-I don't know exactly what caused the fatal accident earlier this morning on Route 9, but I really want to say ... please slow down.

Please be considerate. Please be careful and alert. Please think about others while you're driving.

I commute from Wilmington to Brattleboro three days a week, and so many times people are flying past me at 80 mph, passing me on double yellow lines at terrible times, cars on the other side honking at them. Drivers are tailgating people and driving very aggressively, pulling out in front of people and risking accidents.

Please, have some grace.

* * *

I understand driving is frustrating at times, and I understand that some people drive too slow or not to our liking, but please have a little patience.

Maybe it's a new driver, someone's child, nervous about the weather conditions.

Maybe it's someone with severe anxiety, or someone that had a horrible accident in the past.

Maybe it's a new mother with her infant, or an older driver, someone's parent, just trying to get home safe.

Maybe it's someone that just learned horrible news, or having a terrible day.

Please, please, please - be kinder on the road. The roads are dangerous enough as it is, especially in the winter. I would rather you be 10 minutes late, than to never arrive at all.

Thank you if you read this.

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