Town and Village

How to mark 250th birthday of U.S.?

Local discussion to encourage ideas

BRATTLEBORO-Events are being planned all across the nation to commemorate, in 2026, the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States.

"This 'semiquincentennial' calls for more than just a bigger fireworks display," local organizers said in a news release. "It offers an opportunity to creatively engage and express ideas about our country's past and future and what it means to be an American in the world today."

How Vermont, and specifically the Brattleboro area, shares these ideas with the rest of the nation during this 250th anniversary will be the subject of a public meeting to be held on Thursday, Jan, 16, at American Legion Post 5, 32 Linden Street (next to the Municipal Center), from 6 to 7:30 p.m., with light refreshments served.

Representatives from various town organizations, including Brooks Memorial Library, Vermont Independent Media (VIM), Windham World Affairs Council (WWAC) and Brattleboro Union High School, will share details on what's happening so far statewide and nationally, and elicit public input. The forum will be taped and subsequently made available on BCTV.

Ideas can take any form: arts exhibits, music, theatrical productions, discussions, dance, puppetry, essay contests - perhaps a 'create a new national anthem' challenge - the possibilities are many.

"As the country has become increasingly divided, we look forward to coming together with all of our neighbors," said Starr LaTronica, executive director of Brooks Memorial Library. "The semiquincentennial gives us an opportunity to plan activities that celebrate our differences and acknowledge what we have in common."

America 250 is the national organizing body whose website says its mission is "to provide opportunities for all Americans to pause and reflect on our nation's past and present, honor the contributions of all Americans, and look to the future we want to create for the next generation and beyond."

The state of Vermont also has a "Vermont 250 Commission" with its own website and calendar of events. It has created a 10- minute YouTube video ( that asks, among other things: 'How does the change-making and revolutionary spirit of the Revolution travel through us in this century? The video reminds us too that Vermont was its own country from 1777 to 1791.

Visit WWAC's website to learn more about upcoming America 250 Town Hall programming and regular events at

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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