Town and Village

Multicultural Community Center relocates to SIT campus

BRATTLEBORO-The Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) and The Multicultural Community Center (MCC) are relocating from their current home on Birge Street to Bliss House on the SIT Graduate Institute campus.

According to a news release, this move "will streamline services for the newest Vermonters while allowing the MCC to expand its programming to meet the growing needs of our community."

The final day on Birge Street will be Friday, Oct. 18, with the new location opening on Monday, Oct. 21.

More space at the new site will mean greater opportunities for programs and services for the community here and overseas, says ECDC Executive Director Joe Wiah. "Bliss House will provide us with a more accessible location to our newest clients, who all reside in temporary housing on campus, as they transition into their new lives in Vermont," he says.

With165 new Vermonters expected in this region in the coming fiscal year, the MCC's relocation and expanded programming will be instrumental in ensuring a smooth and successful transition for these individuals and families.

The MCC, as an arm of ECDC, provides a setting for a variety of services delivered through ECDC and community partners World Learning and the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, including English language instruction, employment assistance, cultural orientation, educational support, social connections, cultural presentations, volunteer trainings, and sports events.

The MCC's mission "is to empower newcomers to build a better life for themselves and their families by fostering cultural understanding and promoting integration into the community."

For further information, contact [email protected] or 802-490-3943.

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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