Town and Village

Substance Free September encourages 'substance over substances'

Windham County Prevention Partnerships (WCPP) is encouraging the community to go Substance Free in September.

"Substances can be anything we use out of habit to comfort ourselves in times of stress, uncertainty, loneliness, or boredom," organizers say in a news release. "Examples include alcohol, cannabis, sugar, technology, nicotine, or caffeine. We urge you to join us on a powerful and transforming journey this fall, prioritizing substance over substances for the full month of September in order to reap great health advantages."

Choosing substance over substances, they say, "is a great way to reclaim your mental and physical well-being, boost energy and attention, discover new interests and activities, and create healthy habits for long-term wellness. Substance Over Substances is your resource for creating a life full of meaningful experiences without reliance on substances."

Organizers said that they recognize that the thought of giving up something that you are used to doing "can seem intimidating; we absolutely understand. Starting out can be difficult, and breaking free from previous patterns is no easy task. But, rest assured, it gets simpler with time, and the benefits are tremendous."

By participating in this campaign, they said, "you will become a part of a caring community that understands your challenges, offers encouragement, and celebrates every step along the road. Embrace the challenge and see yourself grow. Take that first step with the knowledge that we have your back and are ready to help you when you need it the most."

For additional information or to sign up, visit

The WCPP is a collaboration between Building a Positive Community (Brattleboro), Deerfield Valley Community Partnership, and West River Valley Thrives promote wellness and prevent the use or misuse, primarily by youth and young adults, of substances in Windham County.

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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