Town and Village

Westminster West annual fair to be held on Sept. 7

WESTMINSTER WEST-The Westminster West Community Fair will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7, and includes an adults 5K road race, grilled lunch, an online silent auction, and a Golden Elephant sale.

Race registration starts at 8:30 a.m., with the race starting at 9 a.m. The Golden Elephant sale also opens at 9 a.m.

A parade with the theme "Our Community's Children" will start at 10:30 a.m. Children will be the grand marshals for the parade, with special hats being made for the occasion.

"Westminster West is a small but supportive, welcoming community, and the fair showcases our many strengths," Betsy Williams, one of the longtime fair organizers, said in a news release. "We are delighted to honor our community's children as the grand marshals, because they are at the heart of so much that brings us together."

Other activities include live music, a kids road race with prizes after the parade, a corn-cob chopping contest, talent show, gardening contest, the online silent auction, and a 50-50 cash raffle. The grilled chicken lunch, a vegetarian option, and hot dogs will be available for purchase.

The fair, which started in 1988, is a popular community event and fundraiser for the Congregational Church of Westminster West.

Other community partners include the Westminster West Public Library, which is holding its annual book sale on fair day; the Windmill Hill Pinnacle Association, which will have an information table and caps and T-shirts for sale; the The Nature Museum, which will run a fairy house booth; Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center and Living Earth Action Group, both sponsoring Patti Smith's Beaver Project Exhibition; and the, Rev. Lise Sparrow's booth on Westminster's Declaration of Inclusion.

See for more information on food prices, the online auction, and the cash raffle. The fair itself, which runs until 3 p.m., is free to attend.

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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