
Candidate statement: Zon Eastes, Windham-1

GUILFORD-I seek to represent Vernon and Guilford as the Windham-1 representative in Montpelier. I believe my broad-reaching experience uniquely qualifies me to serve our community.

I have been a resident for more than 40 years. Professionally, I have served as executive director of the Brattleboro Music Center, and I've held several other leadership roles locally and statewide.

Additionally, I have been a dedicated volunteer for numerous community boards, committees, and initiatives. I am honored to serve as a member of the Guilford Selectboard since 2019 and as chair for three years.

My commitment to the well-being of Vermont's small communities drives my passion for public service. I find it invigorating and inspiring to engage with community members as we work together to address the needs of our towns.

Over the last two months, my campaign volunteers and I have knocked on hundreds of doors across Vernon and Guilford. I have listened and learned from residents about their challenges and hopes for the future.

One recurring theme I have heard is the concern about affordability. People are worried about rising taxes, the escalating cost of health care, and whether they will be able to afford to grow older in the community they love. These are very real challenges, and they require common sense solutions.

When crafting good legislation, leaders must consider the impacts of policy on residents - homeowners, renters, and the small businesses that power our local economies. I believe in fostering positive relationships and finding common ground among diverse voices to advocate for the bright future we all deserve.

Vermont's state motto, "Freedom and Unity," has long inspired me. These three words capture a central, important, workable conundrum - the balance between the individual and the collective.

The first Vermonters got it right, and if elected, my work will be grounded in securing a sensible balance among many interests.

My values of honesty, integrity, hard work, and straightforward goodwill were shaped by my upbringing in a small town in South Central Kansas. My extended family was rooted solidly at the lower end of the economic spectrum, and I appreciate the deep understanding of community and connection instilled in me.

I believe that by listening to one another (really listening) and striving together, we can find the best solutions for our very real needs - solutions that ensure good futures for both the individual and our collective well-being.

If elected, I will use the following guides, now crystallized by conversations with local residents:

• Protect the environment and foster climate resilience.

• Invest in our collective futures by strengthening local economies.

• Safeguard the future of our youth by ensuring quality public education.

• Support working families and aging Vermonters with affordable housing solutions.

• Preserve the character of our towns while preparing for future needs.

I am ready to work tirelessly, bringing my experience, values, and sharp focus to the task. I want to be a strong advocate for Vernon and Guilford, developing common sense solutions to meet our future needs. If elected, I pledge to continue listening and representing all the people of Vernon and Guilford.

I hope to earn your vote on Aug. 13.

Zon Eastes


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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