
Guilford Selectboard: no board member, including Zon Eastes, has combinations to any vaults

GUILFORD-The Selectboard has an interest in the people knowing the truth. Statements have been made and complaints have been circulated that are untrue. Those statements tarnish the reputation and impugn the credibility of the Selectboard whose interest is in making Guilford a great place to live and visit. We are writing now to present actual facts to the neighbors we serve.

On July 3, the Guilford Selectboard held a special meeting on the topic of staff access to town vaults, per state statute. ("The selectboard shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the town and shall cause to be performed all duties required of towns and town school districts not committed by law to the care of any particular officer.")

The special meeting was to address communication within the town office. A discussion was needed to begin creating internal policies and protocols within the town office regarding vault access and duties.

At this meeting, the Selectboard was adamant that not a single Selectboard member has codes to either of the vaults, nor do we want access, nor do we view this as appropriate.

With this meeting, it became clear that internal policies and protocols - including swiftly installing a security system - would be a necessary good measure.

On July 15, Town Clerk Danielle Latulippe sent a message to the Elections Division administration at the Office of the Secretary of State with concerns about a secure election.

Stating that she was hearing from outraged voters, she lodged a complaint alleging that Zon Eastes, chair of the selectboard, a former election official now running for state representative, had access to the vault containing election materials.

This statement is simply false.

As it applies to Selectboards, state law states that "no person shall serve as an election official in any election in which his or her name appears on the ballot of the Australian ballot system as a candidate for any office unless he or she is the only candidate for that office."

Zon Eastes has recused himself from any election conversations or policy-making regarding the vaults and internal protocols. He has also withdrawn from being an election official in regard to the Aug. 13 primary.

No Selectboard member, including Zon Eastes, has combinations to any vaults in the town of Guilford. Both combinations were changed this year by the town clerk.

The Guilford Selectboard has full faith that the town clerk has the experience and support to run a seamless election for all town voters, which is a pivotal role and responsibility of the office.

The town clerk now has a safe for storage of all election materials, per the suggestion of the Elections Division at the Secretary of State's office.

The Selectboard will continue to communicate with all office staff and elected officials to ensure the safety and security of the town office through surveillance, a new safe for election materials, and secured lock boxes.

We trust that the policies being developed will ensure cohesiveness and confidence, and uphold the democratic process.

Guilford Selectboard


Verandah Porche (vice-chair), Michael Becker, Chip Carter, Tara Cheney

This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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