
The oligarchs have given us an insufferable choice

BRATTLEBORO-I read with interest Elayne Clift's column. It is obvious the madness has begun and is in full swing.

Make no mistake, I will not be voting for Donald Trump. I think he is a rapist, a failed businessman, an intellectual dunce, and perhaps the stupidest president who has ever governed the USA. But none of these matters has anything to do with why the establishment is so against him.

Ms. Clift mentioned her fear of oligarchs and her fear of oligarchy without bothering to notice that we are already there. Oligarchs firmly control the USA right now. The reason today's modern oligarchs hate Trump so much is the fear that he has too much independence to respond to all of their concerns.

Even though I expect Trump to be an awful president in most ways, it is possible that because he fears thermonuclear war with Russia he may just independently decide to give up on aiding Ukraine, for example. This is a problem for today's modern oligarchs, who demand nothing less than the ability to rule the world.

Joe Biden is just what the oligarchs wanted: someone who effectively has no ability to make independent judgements of his own. The only problem is that the American people noticed, and the oligarchs realized that he could not win.

Fortunately, there is Kamala Harris to save the day. She is someone totally devoid of individual accomplishments.

She is a bigger failure than Trump. She was expected to develop a coherent border policy by the Biden administration and failed at that miserably. What do you expect from someone who made it to the top only with the connections of her lover, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who really got her career going?

Tulsi Gabbard rightly nailed Kamala's ass to the wall in a Democratic presidential debate in 2020. She showed that Harris never gave a damn about pursuing justice in her role as attorney general of California. She was a self-promoter who went after easy prey, like mothers and fathers of truant children. But she could not be bothered to go after the big banks, who effectively stole homes from many Californians right out from under their feet.

During her brief run for president in the Democratic primaries, the voters roundly rejected Kamala Harris because they soon realized that she had no core beliefs. They realized she had no true leadership qualities, and that is precisely the reason our modern-day oligarchs love her.

They understand Harris will do anything they want. She will make any decision they want no matter how disastrous that decision is for ordinary Americans.

In the end, our two major parties have given us an insufferable choice. So the media must pretend that this is an existential race for democracy, and Ms. Clift is a part of that. Excuse me if I am not convinced.

I will be voting for neither of these bozos. I have yet to choose between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or Jill Stein. I should know my choice by November.

In the meantime I will let this threat-to-democracy nonsense pass by like a bad dream. Until we eschew the two-party system, we have no democracy anyway.

Edward C. Morris


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