
‘I’m one of those neighbors who urged Amanda Ellis-Thurber to do this’

BRATTLEBORO-Why Amanda Ellis-Thurber?

"My candidacy for District 7 did not start with me," Amanda Ellis-Thurber said as she introduced herself at the Democratic candidate forum. "It came from my neighbors, looking for a candidate that would represent them."

Just what could be so compelling? Why would an organic farmer take time to run for district representation when she's in the middle of her business's busiest season?

There is a story here. I'm one of those neighbors who urged her to do this. I think it says a lot about who Amanda Ellis-Thurber is as a candidate, and why she is needed in Montpelier.

Since Lilac Ridge Farm built the farm stand around 20 years ago, the little shed has served as a neighborhood touch point. Adding the creemee stand has only increased our interactions. You buy some lettuce and maybe a cookie. While you are there, you check in with your neighbor who came down for an ice cream.

"How are the kids? How is the garden doing?" It's part of that wonderful small-town fabric that we weave.

Last summer, we added in a new one: "Did you hear about the car break-in last night? What is happening in our town? In our state?"

It was the beginning of a lot of sharing of genuine concerns. They just kept going, through the fall harvest, the winter holiday gatherings, and into the maple sugaring season.

Amanda just kept listening.

Employers told her about their troubles finding housing for employees they desperately wanted to hire.

Her three children and their friends talked about a lack of opportunities for young people to make their lives here.

Over and over again, people complained about their high taxes - especially when the education numbers and probable double-digit tax-increase information came out.

This spring, many spoke with outrage about the possibility of a safe injection site opening in Brattleboro - especially with no input from its citizens.

Now, I am quite sure our neighborhood is not the only spot in Vermont with these types of conversations. What's unique here is that Amanda Ellis-Thurber didn't join in the complaining, wring her hands, and hope someone else would figure it all out. That's not Amanda.

Amanda is one of those rare people who gets things done.

That's what her training as a small-business owner of 30 years has taught her. It's what she learned working as a mental health counselor. It's what her years of prioritizing urgent needs with limited funding have shown her.

She's pragmatic. Practical. Reasonable. Responsible.

Amanda's campaign is a simple response to her neighbor's call for a fresh voice in Montpelier.

Jill Stahl Tyler


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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