
A word about this week’s paper

BRATTLEBORO-Regular readers will notice the thinness of this week's Commons, the odd placement of usual features like the Sports page and the crossword puzzle, and the disturbing lack of the Voices section.

While out of town at a professional conference last week, your editor contracted Covid, and the realities of time and space simply made it impossible to do otherwise.

Next week's paper will feature an eight-page Voices section, which will include a tsunami of letters about the upcoming state primary election.

We especially regret the delay in publishing these letters, given that early voting is now underway. While we always encourage the prompt and efficient implementation of the democratic process, please bear in mind that we will be continuing to publish news about the election and profiles of the candidates for contested races.

Those of us who work at small newspapers are no strangers to curve balls, and we adapt to any number of surprises every week - it's part of the job. This was a big one for us.

As always, we invite your comments at [email protected].

This News item was submitted to The Commons.

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