Wendy Harrison is one of Windham County's two state senators. BRATTLEBORO-We're talking a lot about...
LEYDEN, MASS.-I was lucky to have been born in Boston in 1947 and never served...
WARDSBORO-I agree, we do need facts. Have you heard of CWD (chronic wasting disease)? It's...
The writer is president of Vermont Friends of Israel. ATHENS-In response to Bert Picard's criticisms...
It took two hours of sometimes contentious debate, but a revised municipal budget was overwhelmingly approved Monday night at a Special Representative Town Meeting in the Brattleboro Area Middle School multipurpose room. In a roll call vote, Meeting Members approved the new $15.7 million budget, 112 to 12. The final total represented a series of 1 percent department cuts, delayed capital purchases, and changes in staffing such as reducing the hours for the animal control officer from 40 to 30...
Careful readers - or even casual readers - might have raised an eyebrow at our editorial last week, which offered insights into the gubernatorial race to follow. Clearly, the editorial, which went to press with most of the rest of the newspaper before last Tuesday evening, was written in advance of the primary election, and we did so in a way that did not depend on the actual outcome of the election to make its point. But the premise that...
Yale historian and acclaimed author David Blight will examine the life of abolitionist Frederick Douglass in a lecture at Brooks Memorial Library on Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. His talk, “Writing the Life of Frederick Douglass,“ is part of the Vermont Humanities Council's First Wednesdays lecture series. Author of a new biography of Frederick Douglass, Blight will tell the story of the escaped slave who became one of the leading abolitionists, orators, and writers of his era. Blight is professor...
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