
Hayward speaks on ‘Art and the Gardener’

MARLBORO-On Friday, June 14, at 7 p.m., Gordon Hayward, noted garden designer and author, will discuss the relationship between fine painting and garden design at Ragle Hall, at Potash Hill (formerly Marlboro College), 2582 South Rd.

The talk is based on Hayward's latest book, Art and the Gardener. Hayward will explore the crosscurrents between these two visual pursuits that facilitate designing one's own garden.

"Ask what kind of garden you want, not what kind of garden others expect of you," writes Hayward.

Some of the elements Hayward will explore are: horizontality or verticality, vantage point, color, open versus enclosed gardens, line, mood, contrasting forms, scale, and balance.

Hayward will explain how, by looking at fine paintings you admire, gardeners can more easily choose their garden style - the relationship between the house and the garden, the overall composition, specific design principles, the role trees play in the garden, color and how to bring it all together.

The talk is a benefit for the Marlboro Community Center. Suggested donation is $15. Tickets will be available at the door.

This Arts item was submitted to The Commons.

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