
Guilford Selectboard members deserve our thanks

The writer is a former member and chair of the Guilford Selectboard.

GUILFORD-Dear members of the Guilford Selectboard,

I want to share with you a simple message: Thank you.

Thank you for serving the town, giving a great deal of time, considering carefully the many issues that cross your desks, and always having the best interests of the town in your hearts.

I may not always agree with your conclusions and decisions, but I always appreciate your efforts to come to the best outcome.

I think you need to hear these words and know that there are many, many people in Guilford who share these sentiments. However, you get a very different message at Selectboard meetings - delivered quite differently.

Civic discourse is valuable and necessary for our town government and our democracy to work. Since my early days in town, I always appreciated those citizens who kept a watchful eye on the work of the board, especially the budget.

That is not what's happening at board meetings now.

You are experiencing continual attacks on your integrity and your motives. I watch in disbelief as you are called liars, interrupted, ridiculed, accused of all manner of things and, of course, repeatedly sued.

You are being prevented from focusing on the work for which you were elected. This creates a phenomenal waste of time.

The "gotcha" politics that are going on are disturbing and disheartening. That you five stepped forward to serve the town in this environment is commendable. I don't know many who could tolerate the abuse.

Is the endgame to discourage people from serving? Who would want to put themselves in your position? It's very hard to watch; I can't imagine being the target for these continual assaults.

I have heard from people who express their regret that there isn't the old "give-and-take and open discussion" that we used to be able to have at meetings. Surely, they must understand why strict rules are being imposed.

I applaud those who raise questions and want clarification. That is very different from attacks. Unfortunately, attacks by a few are creating the necessity for strict rules for all.

I was deeply moved by Eric Morse coming to a recent Selectboard meeting and invoking the name of his remarkable daughter, Rosetta, and pleading with people for a kinder, more collaborative approach in honor of her life's work.

Whether this can happen remains to be seen.

Until that time, please know that there are many, many people in town who support you. And again, thank you for your service to Guilford.

Anne Rider


The writer is a former member and chair of the Guilford Selectboard.

This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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