In the contested election for Putney Selectboard, I will be voting for Aileen Chute - who has been serving on the Putney Selectboard as chair. I periodically attend Selectboard meetings for my work or as a resident of Putney. I have been consistently impressed with how Aileen runs meetings. She is fair, balanced, dedicated to following process, and firm in her oversight of the meeting flow.
On multiple occasions that I have witnessed, Aileen has started the meeting with a statement from the chair clarifying her perspective on a particular issue. I have been really impressed with how Aileen manages to call out tough issues, acknowledge the concerns of residents and share clearly where the board can or cannot weigh in on a matter. I have listened to her on two occasions provide a statement that essentially explains why the board won't be acting on some volatile community request, and the statements felt fair and balanced. The clarity with which she delivered them was refreshing.
I also just generally like Aileen. I don't know her well outside of her work on the Selectboard, but I legitimately feel that her skills and no-nonsense approach to her work as chair has enhanced the Putney Selectboard. The work of the Selectboard has appeared to run effectively and in large part this is due to Aileen's leadership.
Ruby McAdoo
This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.