Speaker of the House Shap Smith laughed. No, said the state representative, a Democrat from Morrisville. He's not tired of being asked if he will re-enter the race, either for governor or lieutenant governor. But for the next few weeks, Smith said, he will focus on finishing the legislative session, which, he predicts, will conclude May 7. “So, stay tuned,” said Smith, who will leave the Statehouse when his term ends later this year, after 14 years in the House,
There's a reason the renowned, politically savvy economist and fellow Vermonter, the late John Kenneth Galbraith, cited campaign finance reform as the most urgent issue of our time. It is the root. It has an impact on everything else. In our current debt-ceiling debate, with Republicans unwilling to raise taxes on the wealthy and Democrats barely holding the line on Medicare and Social Security, we are seeing clearly the outcome of big money's grip on the electoral process. We are...
When Vermont sculptor Art Costa first read The Soul of an Octopus, he says, he was fascinated by author Sy Montgomery's description of her friendship with an eight-legged "extraterrestrial." Curious about other organisms living far below the surface of the ocean, Costa dove into research that became his most recent body of work, "Sounds Deep," currently on view at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC). On Thursday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m., Costa joins BMAC Director of Exhibitions Sarah...
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