
Honoring Fricke’s memory

BRATTLEBORO — Efforts are underway to honor the memory of Jonas Fricke.

– Fricke's family and his broader global community have created a web portal for all to enjoy and contribute images, videos, poems, clown skits, and other expressions of the artist and his legacy, including important work in Bali and other parts of the world.

– The Buoyant Heart Collective accepts donations on a Patreon page, where people can donate small monthly amounts to keep its community art space open to everyone in Brattleboro.

– Fricke's family has created the Jonas Legacy Fund, which will support several initiatives, including the Buoyant Heart Collective, as well as a Jonas Legacy Festival in July at the Retreat Farm and Stone Church, and an exhibition at Brattleboro Museum & Arts Center.

You can find more about Jonas Fricke and some samples of his art and music online:

– Fricke's website.

– Fricke's YouTube channel.

– If Not I Then Who Then on Bandcamp.

From The Commons' archives:

– “One-man genre: Jonas Fricke melds sound, visual arts, and theatrics into his 'radical courage music,'” by Wendy M. Levy, The Arts, May 13, 2015.

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