BRATTLEBORO-It's here: the season of good cheer. With days and nights filled with holiday-themed office...
BRATTLEBORO-I was full of Christmas cheer as I took a trolley from Cambridge to Boston...
GRAFTON-It must be an epidemic. Google "coping with holiday stress," and you'll find enough advice...
-Christmas in Denmark is a seasonal delight that lasts a little more than a month.
There likely won't be any school-merger votes in the near future for one of Vermont's biggest supervisory unions. At a meeting on Feb. 24 held at Guilford Central School, most members of Windham Southeast Supervisory Union's (WSESU) Act 46 Study Committee said they believe it is no longer feasible to pursue an “accelerated” merger of all of the union's school districts. Instead, they advocated taking more time to pursue other merger options. The committee didn't take a vote on the...
Wendi Weber, regional director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) Northeast Region in Hadley, Mass., and Bill Archambault, deputy assistant regional director of fisheries, want a boatload of pork for the failed salmon program of the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission (CRASC). Now! Through an act of Congress, Weber and Archambault are seeking $10 to $14 million in emergency funding to rebuild the White River National Fish Hatchery (WRNFH) in Bethel, wiped out by Tropical Storm Irene in...
Shelagh Stephenson's Olivier award-winning family comedy, The Memory of Water, will have two staged reading performances at the Actors Theatre Playhouse on Saturday July 25 and Aug, 1 at 7:30 p.m. Staged readings enable actors to sit with script in hand for a fully realized and rehearsed performance - minus the scenery and the staging. The Memory of Water is a rapid-fire comedy involving three sisters who are reunited on the eve of their mother's funeral. The three sisters, however,
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