Fire Dept. launches community data program

BRATTLEBORO — As part of its commitment to building a safer community, the Brattleboro Fire Department (BFD) is partnering with First Due and the Community Connect Program. The program allows residents and business owners to share valuable life safety information with the fire department.

According to a BFD news release, residents “can provide details about their home, family, children, pets, medical/functional needs, and more,” so when first responders are dispatched to an emergency at that residence, they have the most information possible.

Details contained in the Community Connect database include occupant and contact information; home information, such as access codes for doors and gates and utility shutoff procedures; medical and functional needs, such as where important medications are located or if someone has mobility or other medical needs and will need assistance evacuating; and information about pets, such as their names, where they like to hide, and whether they are dangerous or nervous around strangers.

BFD says Community Connect “is a secure platform, and the information you provide will only be used by the Brattleboro Fire Department for the purpose of better serving you during emergency situations. All logins and passwords are protected with bank-level encryption and security.”

To make this serve effective and useful for first responders, BFD is asking for the community, both residents and businesses, to create their profile and enter the information that one is comfortable sharing with them.

To register, go to

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