
Coffey: a do-er and communicator who cares deeply about our towns

GUILFORD — Guilford and Vernon are extremely lucky to be represented in Montpelier by Sara Coffey.

Sara has now been working on our behalf for four years, and during that time she has brought so much to the job: hard work, integrity, and a willingness to listen respectfully to all points of view. She has built into her schedule regular opportunities to discuss issues with constituents - “Coffee with Coffey.”

Sara not only communicates with constituents, she works for them. Whether it's reminding folks to apply for heating assistance, informing farmers of Working Lands grants, or advocating for veterans by supporting legislation to create an open burn pit registry, Sara's got her finger on the pulse of how to get opportunities and support to those who need them. We certainly saw that during Covid, when she tirelessly advocated for Guilford and Vernon residents, businesses, and schools.

In Montpelier, Sara has gained tremendous respect from her colleagues. She is moving into leadership roles in her committee assignments and proving herself to be a straight shooter in all interactions.

Her perspective, intelligence, pragmatism, and willingness to work across the aisle are traits that are evident to all who work with her. They also like her - she's warm, has a great laugh, and really enjoys people and her work with them!

Please join me in re-electing Sara Coffey as the Windham-1 representative. She is a doer, a communicator, and she cares deeply about our towns.

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