
WRED board looks to the future, thanks voters for supporting school budget

TOWNSHEND — Townspeople of Brookline, Jamaica, Townshend, and Newfane:

We, the team of administrators in the West River Education District (WRED), offer our humble appreciation for your support of our local spending budget on March 23. Your support sends a clear message to your students, our staff, and your neighbors, and we appreciate your choice.

This is a hopeful moment. Our board is moving through a future-planning process, which we plan to complete before the next budget cycle.

This process began with the hiring of a facilitator who has already led us into a comprehensive public brainstorm-and-opinion-gathering protocol that, when complete, will include opinions and ideas from our board members, our staff, our families, and our public at large.

These stakeholders will be able to choose between attending in-person events or remote events, or they may offer their ideas by submitting one of our electronic surveys.

Knowing the diversity of perspectives, the board will be able to utilize this comprehensive data set to plan a path forward that will meet the needs of all of our students, while incorporating ideas and opinions that represent our stakeholders.

We all want the same thing: a robust educational experience for your children and your neighbors' children. We know that our way forward is to continue to keep the children, and their education and well-being, at the center of our decision making.

So thank you all for trusting us and our process.

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