
Dewey defeats Truman?

Careful readers - or even casual readers - might have raised an eyebrow at our editorial last week, which offered insights into the gubernatorial race to follow.

Clearly, the editorial, which went to press with most of the rest of the newspaper before last Tuesday evening, was written in advance of the primary election, and we did so in a way that did not depend on the actual outcome of the election to make its point.

But the premise that we wouldn't know the actual outcome last week? Obviously, that came as a surprise to all of us.

This Dewey-beats-Truman accident only goes to strengthen the cliché that newspapers are indeed the first rough draft of history - sometimes a little rougher than others.

And we take a little consolation in that the editorial as published will read just fine once the Democratic primary recount has taken place and a winner is ultimately decided.

So congratulations to the winner, whoever you are - or whoever you will be.

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