
XOX! group performance asks: Can art bring people together?

BRATTLEBORO — Brooks Memorial Library, in collaboration with C.X. Silver Gallery, presents Lynn Herring's XOX! group performance art-piece at the library on Saturday Aug. 7, from 2 to 5 p.m., with an artist talk at 3 p.m.

People of all ages are welcome to the free program, and the venue is accessible.

According to a news release, the art-piece is a reimagined strategic game-as-art and asks the question, “Can art bring people together to set aside their differences, to sit down and relate respectfully and playfully with each other?”

By design, XOX! says the art-piece “encourages engagement and connection over division, joy and resilience over aggression and defensiveness. It is a project that transcends the boundaries of any one discipline with research rooted in social psychology related to play.”

The piece also incorporates “visual communications, including principles of advertising and graphic design, game development, digital fabrication, sculptural skills and hand finishing, public art, social practice art, and community engagement.”

In the end, XOX! says, “No matter what our belief systems are, let's get together to lighten up and challenge each other to a match where it doesn't matter who wins or loses.”

For more information, call Brooks Memorial Library at 802-254-5290 or visit Additional information on Lynn Herring's art can be found at, and XOX! Share The Love: the back story at

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