BRATTLEBORO-Under a slate gray sky with a cold wind sweeping across the Town Common, approximately...
JAMAICA-A 85–56 vote on Jan. 14 to keep Jamaica Village School open will affect the...
DUMMERSTON-The future of children's offerings at Lydia Taft Pratt Library will be a whole lot...
BRATTLEBORO-Three candidates have expressed interest in being appointed to the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD)
It's been nearly two decades since Larry Smith and George Haynes started a holiday food drive to help needy residents in Windham County. That initial effort in 1994 by Smith, then the news director of WTSA, and Haynes, then the president of Brattleboro Savings & Loan, has grown into Project Feed the Thousands, the largest annual food drive in the region. And, unfortunately, the food drive has had to keep growing over the past two decades as the problem of...
I have called South Windham my home for 60 years, have no intention to leave it, and want what's best for it. Contrary to popular belief, many in Windham and Grafton like me are open to developing wind power on the plateau between our two towns. Here are 10 of my reasons for supporting wind turbines here: 1. To create power for 42,000 homes. 2. To shut down a coal-burning plant somewhere. 3. To reduce greenhouse gases by being carbon...
Main Street Arts is hosting the GorMatt StrangePeak project in its gallery and as workshops on Saturday, Oct. 16 and Saturday, Oct. 23. Collaborative collage artist GorMatt StrangePeak (a.k.a. Gordon Korstange and Matthew Peake) have been working together making collages for over seven years. In 2018, they introduced a writing component into their collaboration by composing labels for each collage which led to the creation of a fictitious curator in a make-believe town with imaginary denizens. Many of these collages...
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P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
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