
Talk about, track, and secure cannabis in the home

TOWNSHEND — This past spring, both Jamaica and Brattleboro residents voted to opt-in to retail cannabis, meaning that regulated cannabis is going to be a reality for many Windham County communities.

However, retail cannabis operations will not fully roll out and be accessible to the public until mid-2022.

That means there is still plenty of time for adult users to become informed on how to properly store and secure legal cannabis in their homes.

In prevention, we know that one of the primary ways youth obtain substances is from their homes or close contacts. In fact, in our own community, the 2021 West River Valley Thrives Core Measure Survey found that 36 percent of Leland & Grey students who reported using cannabis stated that they had obtained it from a family member or close friend.

This data suggests that safe home storage can be an effective line of defense for youth prevention.

So, how can one safely store cannabis in the home? By talking about it, tracking it, and securing it.

1. Talk to your youth about the negative impacts of cannabis use on the developing brain, communicate expectations, and help them find healthy ways to deal with stress, boredom, or pain.

2. Track the amount of cannabis you have at any time, and talk to your youth if you find some missing.

3. Secure your cannabis. Simply hiding it is not sufficient. Use a lock and key - just like what is recommended for prescription drugs and alcohol.

If adults follow these simple steps after purchasing cannabis and keep youth prevention in mind, retail cannabis in our communities should have an impact on our youth no greater than a liquor store or a pharmacy.

For more information on the Talk, Track, Secure campaign, visit windhampartnership.org/parenting-in-a-pandemic.html.

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