Bullock joins women’s chorus for 25th anniversary virtual sing
Kathy Bullock

Bullock joins women’s chorus for 25th anniversary virtual sing

BRATTLEBORO — This 2020-21 year, the Brattleboro Women's Chorus celebrates 25 years of singing, with online musical events on the 25th day of each month through May.

All singers (not just women!) are welcome to join in for these events, which will be hosted on Zoom.

On Monday, Jan. 25, from 7 to 8:15 p.m., director Becky Graber welcomes one of her Women Sing 100 colleagues, Dr. Kathy Bullock, to lead the chorus in song.

Bullock will lead everyone in singing several songs from the African American tradition and will share some historical context. “Together, all will celebrate the joy and power of song, community, and love,” the organization says in a news release.

Bullock is a music professor, singer/arranger, and workshop clinician who specializes in gospel music, spirituals, and classical works by composers from the African diaspora.

For more information and to register, visit bit.ly/596-bullock.

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