DUMMERSTON — Many thanks to Ian Diamondstone and The Commons for the fine article on Mrs. Dalem and Dalem's Chalet. Very well done!
Nicholas Boke is a freelance writer and international educational consultant. CHESTER-Vermont GOP Chair Paul Dame...
Nancy Braus , a retired independent bookseller, is a longtime activist. GUILFORD-Vermont Yankee, a nuclear...
Also signing this letter were Ellen Martyn, Sara Longsmith, Emilie Kornheiser, Elizabeth Tannenbaum, Peter Fallon,
BRATTLEBORO-Like many of you, I have been outraged by the actions of the Trump administration,
BRATTLEBORO-Selectboard members have asked Town Manager John Potter and his staff to go back to the drawing board and return scenarios that describe 5% and 10% reductions to the proposed nearly $26.5 million budget for the next fiscal year. "I want to be clear with the public that a 22% increase in property taxes is extremely high, very hard to swallow, and, for many people, really, really concerning," said Board Chair Daniel Quipp of the current draft budget implication. The...
Contrary to what Erica Walch writes, a “compelling State interest” limiting personal reproductive autonomy is clearly defined in United States law, and we need passage of Article 22 to the Vermont Constitution to limit it and protect Vermonters' right to abortion. Article 22 states: “That an individual's right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one's own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved...
The Brattleboro Concert Choir invites new and returning singers to take part in its spring 2021 virtual season as its Stay-at-Home Sing-Along series continues. The group also is offering virtual performances of choral works. Music Director Jonathan Harvey and the choir are committed to building and maintaining a musical community. “Especially now, music is an essential source of joy, solace, solidarity, and hope,” Harvey said in a news release. This spring, the choir will offer monthly virtual performances of works...
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
The Commons is published by Vermont Independent Media, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.