DUMMERSTON — Many thanks to Ian Diamondstone and The Commons for the fine article on Mrs. Dalem and Dalem's Chalet. Very well done!
Meg Mott, Ph.D. is professor emerita of Marlboro College and Emerson College and describes herself...
Ross Momaney (rmm-art.com) is a visual artist and arts educator. By blending these roles, he...
Michelle Bos-Lun and Richard Nelson are state representatives who sit across the table from each...
Carolyn North (carolynnorthbooks.com) is a writer of books that address "the interface between matter and...
The work is just beginning. So said Emily Megas-Russell and Shea Witzberger, who have been retained by the town to facilitate a deep examination of municipal resources, how they are spent on public safety, and whether those resources can be used more equitably to support community safety, health, and well-being. The facilitators and nine committee members shepherding the Community Safety Project held their first meeting last week, which served as an initial meet-and-greet and an opportunity for Megas-Russell and Witzberger...
Dec. 24, 2020: The reality is that we are all dying, and dying is a beautiful part of life. Taking a good, honest look at death feels so essential, yet is hard to do in the everyday grind - it seems it can be truly looked at only when we are face to face with it. Now don't go thinking, not for one second, that I am special. “That Angela, she's amazing - if anyone can heal from cancer, she...
River Singers Community Chorus led by Mary Cay Brass will start its spring session on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the Westminster West Church. The chorus, in their 29th year, is a multi-generational community choir dedicated to singing soulful, thrilling music from many lands. Every spring, the choir invites guest teachers from various world traditions to work with and perform with the choir. This spring's special guests are from the New York City-based, internationally known Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band. Zlatne...
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