
Bos-Lun: Honest and transparent

WESTMINSTER WEST — I often hear comments from cynical folks complaining that politicians are dishonest, self-serving hypocrites who don't really care about public service or the social contract.

To these folks, and anyone else wondering whom to support in the Democratic primary for a Windham-4 seat in the Vermont House of Representatives, I offer the candidacy of Michelle Bos-Lun.

There is simply no one more committed to progressive values and government responsibility than Ms. Bos-Lun. Throughout her professional life, she has been deeply involved in matters of social justice, community engagement, inclusivity, education, and responsible leadership. She is smart, creative, and hard-working.

Most importantly, she is an honest and transparent public servant who will represent your best interests in Montpelier.

Join me in voting for Michelle Bos-Lun on Aug. 11.

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