
Abortion itself is a ‘horrendous act of violence’

Deborah Lee Luskin was “frightened” that the grand opening of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Brattleboro “would be marred by some horrendous act of violence.”

Hey, Deborah: Do you even care that abortion is a horrendous act of violence? Instead, you attended this “celebration” of murder. Because that's what abortion is: murder.

Which is why I thank God for Lila Rose (anti-abortion activist and founder of Live Action). The intolerant Left despises her because she has been exposing Planned Parenthood's lies and crimes for years.

Recently, she tweeted, “Every child is a human just like you and me and deserves life - not death at the hands of an abortionist. It is time for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.”

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