BRATTLEBORO — Thank you, Sherri Keefe, for your efforts to protect others from predation and abuse.
It takes such courage to stand alone in the face of all you're enduring when you tell your story.
Much love and support to you.
Mary McCallum used to contribute regularly to the commentary series that used to air on...
Timothy Belknap describes himself as a "downtown resident and Brattleboro lover." BRATTLEBORO-The yes vote to...
WEST TOWNSHEND-When I learned, as a girl, about the lead-up to Kristallnacht, I had thought...
BRATTLEBORO-The headline made me curious enough to read this one person's opinion of a local...
Most people think preparing for Christmas means shopping for presents. Jadi Flynn and Megan Walker have their sights set on something else: 14 pounds of coffee, 140 pounds of pancake mix, 270 pounds of eggs, 1,920 hash browns, and 3,200 sausage links. Flynn and Walker are the granddaughter and great-granddaughter, respectively, of Charlie Slate, the local man who started the town's free annual Christmas Breakfast. His family and friends are ready to continue the tradition for hundreds of diners and...
The compassion demonstrated by our town for Stanley Lynde and Laura D'Angelo has been extraordinary. If anyone ever doubts that Brattleboro is indeed part of the Charter for Compassion and has internalized its spirit, all that person has to do is look at the town's response to Stanley and Laura's terrible accident and Stanley's subsequent death - including the unparalleled financial support covering medical costs: more than 900 people contributing over $90,000. The New England Youth Theatre mentors felt privileged...
GRAFTON-On Sunday, Sept. 15, at 5:30 p.m. Bard Owl - T. Breeze Verdant and Annie Landenberger - will be featured performers in the Grafton Community Church's (GCC) 2024 Evensong Series. In lieu of morning worship that Sunday, the church offers the Evensong tradition coordinated by GCC music minister Ken Olsson. Of the series, Olsson says, "we wanted to offer to the community a concert series with a touch of worship." Bard Owl's playlist shows upbeat tunes mixed among jazz, ballads,
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
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