We inadvertently omitted a name on “Police should be taking hate speech seriously,” a letter that appeared in the July 18 issue. The letter should have been signed by both Arlene Distler and Steve Minkin.
Wendy Harrison is one of Windham County's two state senators. BRATTLEBORO-We're talking a lot about...
LEYDEN, MASS.-I was lucky to have been born in Boston in 1947 and never served...
WARDSBORO-I agree, we do need facts. Have you heard of CWD (chronic wasting disease)? It's...
The writer is president of Vermont Friends of Israel. ATHENS-In response to Bert Picard's criticisms...
The unemployed, the unhoused, the people with mental health problems, the panhandlers, the drug users, the dealers, the travelers, the thieves - it is hard to tell the players on the street without a scorecard. When I first thought about writing about homelessness in Brattleboro, I lumped all of the above together because homelessness has become an all-encompassing word. Yet it shouldn't be. Brattleboro has problems, certainly. But why should this town be different from everywhere else in the country?
As he vociferously and spuriously disputes my recent column, Kenneth Scipione shows a stunning lack of knowledge on a number of counts (and a shameful disdain for women). First, as all misogynists do, he lays at the feet of women the total responsibility for the caretaking of others - in this case, the entire “big beautiful country of ours.” That kind of reductionist statement comes straight from the conservative historical playbook that believes women can be described in only two...
Four Windham County arts organizations are among the recipients of 12 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) grants totaling $217,000 to Vermont arts and cultural organizations and individuals, including two fellowships to Vermont authors. The Vermont awards are part of more than $32 million in recommended NEA grants to organizations in all 50 states and U.S. jurisdictions. "We are grateful to the NEA for its continued support of and investment in the nation's arts and cultural ecosystem, and we congratulate...
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P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
The Commons is published by Vermont Independent Media, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.