
Grappling with a class issue

BRATTLEBORO — What Kate Bowen is grappling with is a class issue. In Putney, it might present more as a cultural issue.

Although “class” is a fairly complex concept (just look it up in Wikipedia!), it is a scale that assigns inequity: the haves vs. the have-nots, the entitled vs. the disenfranchised.

The world, and our civilization as we know it, is well on its way to total collapse. If we think things are ugly world-wide now, just wait until we enter the 2020s - the worst is yet to come. During this transition time, we will witness and be subject to horrors unimaginable, and yet we still require daily sustenance.

I am grateful for all the local farms and small industries of the working landscape because I cannot do it all myself. Their prices may be higher than the Co-op's, but purchasing from these local small businesses supports our communities - i.e., our neighbors.

Farmers work super hard and deserve remuneration for their labors, which are unceasing.

Liberals talk about a livable wage - is that just feel-good talk? Or some may willingly consume the products of their adopted farmers' labor yet are put out by the consequences of the workings of what it takes to run a farm.

Be nice to your farmers, because they will not accept stock certificates in exchange for food when money is worthless.

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