New Year’s resolution to be healthier? 3SquaresVT can help.

WESTMINSTER — Getting healthier is often high on the list of goals to start the new year, and eating right is critical to good health.

With the high cost of food, fuel, housing, and health care, many people can't afford to buy enough nutritious food for themselves and their families. 3SquaresVT can help put more healthy food on the table, giving them the energy and strength they need to achieve their goals in 2018, according to a news release.

3SquaresVT is Vermont's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, designed to help households without sufficient resources meet their need for healthy, nutritious food. A family of four earning up to $3,793 per month may be eligible, and households can have a savings account or an asset like a car or home and still qualify.

Whether they are experiencing a short-term financial crisis or longer-term challenges, 3SquaresVT helps seniors, families, and individuals with lower incomes make ends meet. In fact, 1 in 8 Vermonters already receive 3SquaresVT benefits. Monthly benefits come on a debit card accepted at most grocery stores, making it easy for households to use them.

Households that qualify for 3SquaresVT benefits can access many other programs to make life more manageable, such as free school meals for children, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and even phone assistance.

Households may also use 3SquaresVT at many farmers' market locations, including many Winter Farmers Markets, and double their money with “crop cash” - households can use their EBT card at the market and get $1 worth of “crop cash” for every $1 they spend in 3SquaresVT benefits, up to $10 in free crop cash per market/per customer.

Eligibility and the amount of assistance provided are based primarily on household income, expenses, and household size. There are special rules that make it easier for households that include a senior or a person with a disability to receive benefits.

Southeastern Vermont Community Action's Family Services staff are available by appointment to assist households to apply for 3SquaresVT. For more information, call SEVCA at 800-464-9951. Households can also apply online at

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